
word_wp150x150 Personal Form

word_wp150x150 Proposition Form St. Mark’s Knights

The relative minimum annual membership fee of €uros 50,00 (fifty) must be transferred to the Bank current account BNL IBAN IT83 O010 0502 0000 0000 0002 789 swift/bic BNL: BNLIITRR – giving the reason for payment “annual membership fee, inserting the year of reference”, account name: Associazione Cavalieri di San Marco, casella postale 266 – 30124 Venezia, by and no later than the 25th of April of each year. In the case which a larger amount than the due fee are transferred, the extra amount will be calculated as an oblation towards the Association, and used exclusively for charity, assistance and social works.

The General Assembly on 25 March 2015 deliberated unanimously the increase above mentioned.